Registry and Gift Forum

Shower is in 6 days!

& there are only 10 things left on my Macys registry. I was thinking about adding some stuff, but nobody has even bought anything from our BBB registry, so I dont think Im going to add anything else to the Macys one. Hopefully people buy from BBB...thats where I registered for mostly everything.

I have a confession to make...I will probably stalk the shiiiit out of my registries this week.
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Re: Shower is in 6 days!

  • Yep my shower is Sunday and I am registry stalking hardcore.
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  • Mine is Sunday. Did you see a HUGE spike in gifts purchased on Saturday? Are you so, so excited?
  • To be honest...I havent really seen a lot of activity on mine, besides my Macys one. & thats only because 1 person bought like 20 items from it. I have a lot of last minute people in my I am thinking toward the end of the week I will see more activity.

    & I am very excited!! But, it doesnt seem real yet.
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