Registry and Gift Forum

Where did go?

Does anyone know what happended to

We are getting married in a month, and we only created a registry with, only now to hear from guests that it's not working.  When we try to go to the website, the basic site or our specific site, it results in an error.  Some guests have already given their gifts on the site, but now as far as we can tell the site/registry no longer exists. 

Does anyone know what happended to

Re: Where did go?

  • It probably got shut down because honeymoon registries are tacky & rude.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:34Discussion:64894541-6dae-408e-a56a-1843fbc5d031Post:09b1898a-1720-4f12-ac3e-4e86398871dc">Re: Where did go?</a>:
    [QUOTE]It probably got shut down because honeymoon registries are tacky & rude.
    Posted by Sierra524[/QUOTE]

    You totally made me LOL!


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  • In Response to <a href="">Where did go?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Does anyone know what happended to We are getting married in a month, and we only created a registry with <a href="," rel="nofollow">,</a> only now to hear from guests that it's not working.  When we try to go to the website, the basic site or our specific site, it results in an error.  Some guests have already given their gifts on the site, but now as far as we can tell the site/registry no longer exists.  Does anyone know what happended to
    Posted by blazing17[/QUOTE]

    <div>It was a website to facilitate transfering money from your guests to you by taking a 7% cut.  Maybe it was a scam?  </div>
  • That is what happened when you blindly give your credit card # to shady online sites.  They can run off with your $$$. If they really are gone, they just ran off with your guests' wedding gifts. I would tell your guests to get in touch with their credit card companies so hopefully they can reverse the charges.
  • Sounds like a scam. Alert your guests and your bank immediately. Report them to the FTC as well.
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