Registry and Gift Forum

Sending Thank You Cards

My wedding is in mid-July, but I've already start receiving gifts from my registeries since I sent out wedding invitations a few weeks ago. Is it appropriate to send thank you cards after the wedding? Most gifts are from people who already RSVP yes to attending.
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Re: Sending Thank You Cards

  • Open the gifts now to make sure they're in tact and write thank you notes now. Then don't use the gifts until after the wedding.
  • Yes, you should send out thank-you cards as you receive wedding gifts. It lets the gifter know you received it and it cuts down on your list of thank-yous to write in the future. Just make sure not to use it until after the wedding. This includes cash or checks. Deposit them into the bank and write the thank-you card but don't spend it.
  • Thanks for advices. 

    Should I send another thank you card after the wedding thanking them for attending?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:34Discussion:8fcb3b5c-7ebf-43bf-bb98-f3dcac4de6e3Post:16a51b34-ef15-4fca-ad70-d884926bb417">Re: Sending Thank You Cards</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks for advices.  Should I send another thank you card after the wedding thanking them for attending?
    Posted by jennnej[/QUOTE]

    You can but you don't have to since the reception is thanking them for coming.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sending Thank You Cards</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks for advices.  Should I send another thank you card after the wedding thanking them for attending?
    Posted by jennnej[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>No.  The reception is their thank you for coming.  As long as you sent the thank you note earlier for the gift, you are fine.

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