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nervous sweat & deodorant question

Okay so at my first wedding I was really nervous and my underarms were sweating so bad that all my pics show big stains on my dress, no stink, just wet...lovely Frown. I REALLY want to avoid that this time around!  It only seems to happen when I'm nervous (even a happy nervousness), has nothing to do with being hot.  

My dress has tiny cap sleeves so shields wont work. Does anyone have any other solutions to this problem?

Re: nervous sweat & deodorant question

  • edited March 2013
    I have a product called 'Drysol'. I'm Canadian so I'm not sure if it's available in the United States. It's a dab-on heavy-duty anti-perspirant. I don't use it often because it works so well. You put it on at night, just a little bit- maybe 1-3 dabs, and it keeps you much dryer the next day. It actually keeps you much drier for days to come after that as well. So, if I have a day where I feel wetness in my underarms- I hate that feeling- that night I will use the Drysol. I then apply my regular Dove deodorant every morning, and shower and everything, but I can tell you that this works so well.

    It can be irritating- when I apply too much my skin feels itchy and irratated during the night. So I now apply less- usually one or two dabs- and that took away the itchiness or irritation. I would recommend if you can find this product (or a similar Alumninum chloride hexahydrate anti-perspirant, this one is 20%) that you try it out way ahead of time to see how you react to it and how much you need to apply. It really works! If you end up liking it and it works for you then you can just apply the night before the wedding- and maybe also a week before the wedding- and you should see a huge difference. I used to have wetness every day, even in the winter and get little sweatmarks under my arms in my sweater- so yucky and embarrassing! Now I get wetness just once in a while- seems like about once a month! and then I use the Drysol and it gets back under control again.

    Hope that helps!
    "It's always better when we're together." -Jack Johnson
  • Thank you so much ladies!! 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:358Discussion:52daabcb-5324-4cca-9b71-debaaf3b6378Post:94d83d9f-6aad-430a-b92a-39c247b4b8da">nervous sweat & deodorant question</a>:
    [QUOTE]Okay so at my first wedding I was really nervous and my underarms were sweating so bad that all my pics show big stains on my dress, no stink, just wet...lovely  . I REALLY want to avoid that this time around!  It only seems to happen when I'm nervous (even a happy nervousness), has nothing to do with being hot.   My dress has tiny cap sleeves so shields wont work. Does anyone have any other solutions to this problem?
    Posted by ShannonRaindrop[/QUOTE]

    I think Secret or one of the biggies makes a clinical strength deodarant that they always advertise on a commercial with weddings.  I think I'll be giving it a trial run myself soon too as my wedding is next month.  Good luck!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: nervous sweat & deodorant question</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to nervous sweat & deodorant question : I think Secret or one of the biggies makes a clinical strength deodarant that they always advertise on a commercial with weddings.  I think I'll be giving it a trial run myself soon too as my wedding is next month.  Good luck!
    Posted by KristenMarie163[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Yes, but (and this is just my experience, although someone I know agreed with me) I found that this did not work at all! I tried this before I bought the heavy-duty stuff and it made no difference for me. 

    "It's always better when we're together." -Jack Johnson
  • I'll second the Drysol suggestion. I began using it as a teenager and never sweat now. It can also be applied to other areas as well.
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  • I'm in the same boat. I sweat like crazy when I'm nervous. So Now I use Secret ultimate never sweat strength daily and every 2-3 days I use Maxium. ( That works well for me. Reduces for sure. Almost eliminating.

  • I've used Secret clinical strength before and it really does the trick for me - not only do I really not sweat at all, but it smells great! Maybe try it out before the wedding and if it doesn't work then try something more heavy-duty. Good luck!
  • clovester said:
    There is a product called "Certian-Dri" that seems to do the same thing as Drysol.  You can get it at CVS,Rite-Aid, it's in the deoderant section usually on the bottom shelf.  I have been using it since high school    I am lucky that it runs in my family and I can sweat even if it's cold.  You use the Certian-Dri at night and it really helps.  There is also a day version which has the same ingredients as Secret Clinical.  

    Give those a try it should help, if it doesn't i've heard botox can also stop sweating as well. 
    This.  I had a sweating problem many years ago for a short period of time and Certain-Dri was a lifesaver!
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