Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Waxing Questions???

So, I've been reading online and wanted to get some more opinions on getting a Brazillian wax before I get married.
My wedding is in May and I'm thinking about going to get a "trial" wax soon so I can see how I do. Do you think it is worth it to pay extra for a trial or should I just go for it a few days before the wedding.
I already know the place I'll go to because a friend went there for hers and said it was really good and hygenic I'm just not sure timing wise.
Have any of you gotten one before or have any tips?
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Re: Waxing Questions???

  • Honestly with 6 weeks until your wedding you should have gone like yesterday.  You should not get waxed for the first time right before your wedding.
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  • Ditto hoboken.

    You definitely need to have a trial done, but with this amount of time, it's possible that you'll be at a weird stage right before your wedding to get waxed.
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  • i get brazillians regularly, and i dont know why you would need a trial it 3 or 4 days before your wedding, if you do it the day before you will look like a plucked chicken, it takes a day or two for the soreness to go away

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Waxing Questions???</a>:
    [QUOTE]i get brazillians regularly, and i dont know why you would need a trial it 3 or 4 days before your wedding, if you do it the day before you will look like a plucked chicken, it takes a day or two for the soreness to go away
    Posted by ettie404[/QUOTE]

    <div>Ditto Ettie.  I've never gotten a Brazilian, although I've gotten a couple Bikinis.  I have a friend who got one a couple days before for the first time with no problems.  Go three or four days before and you should be fine.</div>
  • I would recommend going at about 4 weeks out, and then right before the wedding.  My wedding is in June and I started in December so that I'd be used to by the week of the wedding.   My first time was not great... very sore, red, and broken out for a few days.  But, since then, only slight redness for a day or so.  
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