Catholic Weddings

Wednesday chit chat


Re: Wednesday chit chat

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Wednesday chit chat</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't really weigh in on the other topics, so I'll just talk about how excited I am for the rest of the week: I'm on spring break right now and my FI's and my anniversary is tomorrow (4 years!), so I'm having a good week. We have all sorts of fun stuff planned for the weekend because of that, including attending Good Friday mass at a Cathedral in the next diocee over. It's in a town we were going to visit anyway, and when we found out that's where the cathedral was, we got super excited to go to mass there. Then we have all sorts of meals and two egg hunts for Easter. I'm interested to see how his family's turns out since it's usually outside and we still have a ton of snow on the ground...
    Posted by Chloeagh[/QUOTE]

    <div>Ahhhh, I miss spring breaks!  Hopefully all the snow will melt this weekend since it's supposed to get up in the 40's (!!!) <img src="" border="0" alt="Cool" title="Cool" /></div>
  • Hi everyone!

    H and I decided we were tired of visiting both sides of the family so we invited everyone over to our place. I have one more store to stop at tomorrow after work and then I will have everything I need. Just doing the main things: ham, sweet potatos and green bean casserole and of course dessert. Everyone is bringing something so I don't think it will be bad. I just need to spend some time tidying up the house and making it look more presentable.
  • I wish everyone got a spring break.  Taking vacation time isn't the same, because you know business is piling up while you're gone.  If your office was closed, you would be able to relax more, you know?  


  • I'm totally with you on that Resa!!
  • edited March 2013
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Wednesday chit chat</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wish everyone got a spring break.  Taking vacation time isn't the same, because you know business is piling up while you're gone.  If your office was closed, you would be able to relax more, you know?  
    Posted by Resa77[/QUOTE]

    <div>I can tell you that I come back after every Spring Break feeling renewed and invigorated to finish off the school year.  I'll bet productivity would skyrocket if more companies gave longer breaks.</div><div>
    </div><div>Edit: Missy, we hosted Thanksgiving, which was fun but sooo stressful!  Of course, we didn't ask anyone to bring stuff, so that's part of why.  Good luck!</div>



  • Jumping in on the house discussion - we have what is technically a townhouse, but people usually mistake it for a condo. The walls are double (I think part of the reason it has to be a townhouse?) so we cant hear ANYTHING from our neighbors. Sometimes a vacuum, but it is like soooooo quite it doesnt sound like a vacuum.

    We definitely can't wait to upgrade to a house with a larger yard. On one hand this is nice b/c a company takes care of the mowing and snow, but, hey, pay me $115 a month and *I* will do that! We are a bit worried about how easy it will be to sell in a bout a year when we start trying. 
    Sorry, that was totally not helpful to anyone, haha...
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