Outdoor Weddings

Permits Needed?

Hi All,

Having a 220 guest tent wedding in the Hamptons. One tent guy I spoke with told me I wouldn't need a TPA (temp place of assemb) permit, I would just need a tent permit. Is anyone familiar with permits needed for a wedding this size on a private estate?

I'm a little nervous about permits bc I think permits mean people (like fire marshalls) come in to check and I don't want to be told I can't have votives on my tables or chandeliers hanging from the ceiling or I have to change my table layout for easier exit access.
Obviously I want everyone to be safe, but I've had some experiences with fire marshalls checking things and they can be a bit over the top sometimes. 

Does anyone have any experience with this part of the process?


Re: Permits Needed?

  • I would think this would be a better question for your local board.

    For our wedding, H just called city hall and asked if we would need any permits and what was allowed (candles, tent poles, etc), but our wedding was at the city park in a very small town. I would imagine there are different departments for that kind of thing where you are.
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  • This will be an entirely local issue.  It depends on local zoning and assembly restrictions.  You need to contact city and/or county officials to determine what is needed.  I suggest you ask vendors what they typically deal with then call the local officials and look on their website for forms.  Chances are you won't have a problem, BUT worst case scenario, you could end up the police showing up to shut down your wedding reception. 

  • Call your local city hall and ask them about private party permits.  They will walk you through what you'll need. You may need a noise permit to have music past a certain hour. things like that. But, most of the time, they won't give a crap if you have candles at a private venue.

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