Florida-South Florida


I can't find anything I like.......
I don't want to spend a lot of money.....
I don't want something too simple, but I also don't want it to look too modern.....
I thought about doing them myself, but now that thought just stresses me out

Help! Anyone have suggestions or recommendations? Are there actually places to go to that I can go and look through samples instead of just buying online?


Re: Invitations

  • ohlittleheartohlittleheart member
    10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2013
    I ordered free samples from wedding paper divas :3 I think I might actually go with one of them
  • Hi! I used to work in print production and learned a lot about printing. When it came time for me to do my wedding invites (b4 postponing my wedding) I was super critical. I wanted them for a low price, but I didn't want to cheap/short cut around it. Printing at home is ovcious, but upon closer inspection, it's not always the best quality (since that what I was striving for).

    So, here's my advice. 1, find an invitation design that you like on etsy (these can range from $25 and up).  2. Find a local print vendor to print the invitation design (or go to kinkos, but I went through a printer I used to work with). They will print your invitations for a reasonable price and for great quality.

    By doing the above, I had 200 invites and 200 rsvp postcard printed for about $175. And they came out AWESOME.

    Just my advice, though.
    "HAPPINESS...is being married to your Best Friend"
  • mandibride2bemandibride2be member
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments Combo Breaker 5 Love Its
    edited April 2013
    I found an invitation I love on Magnet Street however itsgoing to be almost $400 and my FI and I refuse to pay that, but at the same time the invites that I found for cheap look cheap. So I guess you get what you pay for. Renaect has a fantastic idea I really love etsy as well, andf I've heard if you talk to them they can alter some things to fit into your own budget. 
    I created my own invites for my engagement party coming up however I had a problem with those I jumped the guns and accidently put my wedding date instead of the engagement date (hey they are a year and a day apart lol) It would have been fine if it wasn;t a mistake on my part. SO if you are creative I would say that would be always fun if invites are not your #1 most important aspect of your planning. Just make sure to check over and over the wording!
  • Thanks Renaect! Did you buy your own paper or does the printer supply that? And what about envelopes and addressing all of them? Do you do it by hand or pay a calligrapher or have them printed too? I don't know why this seems like the most stressful thing lol
  • My husband and I did our own invites and they came out very nice! :) I fell in love with a lace invitation form Etsy but it was way too much money for them. I convinced my husband for us to make them and we did. Our good friend and my hubby's best man helped us with the template (he's a graphic designer and makes invites) and we purchased the materials. I can send you a picture of my wedding invites if you like just let me know!
  • @EmpireGirl, the printer provided the paper (I told them what kind/weight to use since I'm knowledgeable in that area). They would have thrown in the envelopes for free, but I wanted a certain kind from a different retailer. So, the paper and envelopes were no extra charge for me.

    When it comes to addressing the envelopes, the decisions is yours. You can use a clear label or hand address. Remember, it costs extra to have someone write it in for you.
    "HAPPINESS...is being married to your Best Friend"
  • I got an bouchure for Invitations by Dawn   website: invitationsbydawn.com 
    number 1800 257 9567

  • I designed my own invites and used catprint.com to print them. I then assembled them myself. The quality and selection in catprint was amazing and I loved the end result.
    I think I spent less than $1 per invite and everyone loved them....here's the RSVP, I can't find a pic of the invite itself....

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