Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Who has that reading for ring exchange when no wedding band is used?

There was a nice write up on here about how the engagement ring represnted a promise and now the promise is being fulfilled through wedding vows.  It was for those who use the engagement ring in the ceremony and opt for no wedding band.

Re: Who has that reading for ring exchange when no wedding band is used?

  • I've seen it and it's used,in addition to a wedding band not in the absence of one.
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  • Ditto Hoboken.  I think this is the wording you're thinking of?

    "This ring is the symbol of promise and intention. Now, the intention is realized and the promise fulfilled.  Please place this ring on Bride’s finger over her wedding band to symbolize that the love that brought you together will always protect and sustain your marriage.

    Most of the wedding band wordings would work though - they mostly just touch on the fact that it's a circle, to symbolize the eternal commitment and things like that.  Something like

    May these rings be blessed as a symbol of this affectionate unity. Your two lives are being joined today in one unbroken circle. Wherever you go, may you always return to one another in your togetherness. May you find in one another the love for which all men and women yearn. May you grow in understanding and compassion. May the home which you establish together be such a place of sanctuary that all who are here today and others through the years will find there true friends. May these rings, soon to be on your fingers, symbolize the touch of the spirit of love that is in both your hearts. _______________, in placing the ring on ___________________'s left hand, please repeat after me: ____________________, I give you this ring as a pledge of my love, and as a symbol of our unity.

    You could always change it so E says something about having given it to you before as a promise and now putting it on your finger again to fulfull the promise.  Maybe

    "_____________, I gave you this ring __ months ago as a symbol of a promise that we would spend our lives together.  Today, I place it on your finger to fulfill that promise."
  • ginadogginadog member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited August 2012
    "This ring is the symbol of promise and intention. Now, the intention is realized and the promise fulfilled.  Please place this ring on Bride’s finger over her wedding band to symbolize that the love that brought you together will always protect and sustain your marriage."

    This implies that there is already a ring on the finger (or at least more than one ring) to start with from what I gather.

    I will have only one ring; it will be removed and put back on during the vows.

    Anyway, I read the verbage from the Canadian marriage commissioner that I received yesterday, and what they have will work.  Much like the passage that you posted here!  Thanks!
  • We used the first paragraph of DramaGeek's post about promise and intention but we used the e-ring in conjunction with the wedding band.

    Does your H have a wedding ring?  If so I'd just do the regular wedding ring wording and you use your e-ring and he uses his w-ring.
  • Some Mormons don't use rings either, like in temple marriages.

    Yes, FI will have a ring.  I definitely want a ring mention/passage.
  • Can I just tell you how excited I am for you?!  I can't believe it's so close!!
  • I know of a service that can write anything you wish to say. I have been bragging about them all over town because I've never heard of anything like what they do. They can write whatever you like! Check them out at I think it may be perfect for what you want.
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