1-I have to quit listening to _Twilight Zone_ radio dramas in the car w/ Buffy. Not that she gets scared of them, but because she may scare me. She's in a 'parrot things back' phase right now and I got to listen to "*SCream* Let go of me...down the elevator shaft" for several minutes. As I changed the channel she switched to "Miss White, you are one of us...hee hee hee, one of us". Creepy as all get out
2-This week we're getting Dawg groomed for the first time since her surgery. I'm a bit worried because she gets weird about her knees. the 'better' place we go is booked up until June, so we're at choice #2 (not bad, just not as good). Although I do admit that the fact that she believes (incorrectly, FWIW) that if you lift up one of her 'bad' legs that she can't support herself (she can--she does all the time voluntarily, it's just when YOU do it for her) and falls into a heap and looks accusingly at me is adonkably hilarious to me.
3-I don't understand why I put a carrot in my mouth, chew it up, and then think "ew, I don't want to eat this". Once I do, there's a mental block and it takes me like 15 minutes to convince myself to swallow the damn thing. I packed myself carrots today but I don't think I'll be eating any more of them
4-I love that the 'study skills' class requires people to visit all of the various help centers around campus, but I have given the 2-minute schpiel for my center 15 gazillion times in the last 2 days. These slackers waited until today, but damn if I"m going to sign their 'scavenger hunt' assignment paper w/o them listening to what services we provide.
And astounding number of them have said things like "really? you lend out protractors and compasses? I wish I had known that at the beginning of the semester"
Which is why they got the assignment at the beginning of the semester--they just ignored it until now. These kids.
(at least they'll know for next semester)
5-I have an addiction to post-its. I may need a 12 step program.
(I am annoyed that the post-it widget went away on the last version of Android.)