
Happy Hump Day!

Good morning!
  Easy day for me today.  We have our science MSA today and tomorrow which means I only have to test 2 kids all morning.  Last night I printed off the little stickers for the Hershey's kisses and they turned out real cute:-)
Hope everyone has a good day!
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Re: Happy Hump Day!

  • edited December 2011
    Good Morning All,

    Yesterday, I went to clean out a storage unit for this coalition group that I am an officer for. We finished early, so we celebrated with a few beers outside of Union Station. It was so nice. Then I came home and made steak tacos and watched American Idol.

    H-- yay for printing out the stickers! And it sounds like you have a smewhat easy day.

    Have a good day all!
    RT + JB
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    The only item I will not compromise bouquet of all purple tulips wrapped in a swatch from my Mom's wedding dress.
  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    Good Morning!
    I had my last class of the semester last night! yay! One week off then it starts all over again... oh well... I have a week and 1/2 to relax and enjoy. Other than that, nothing too exciting!

    My mom and I just booked our 'girls trip' to the Bahamas for the end of July!! I'M SO EXCITED! We haven't been able to go for the last 2 years so it will really be great. My FSIL (and MOH), FMIL, my cousin, and my aunt will be joining us so I'm super excited! My mom and I started the tradition about 8-9 years ago and we have been going every summer since (with the exception of the past two b/c of work schedules). We stay at Atlantis and just RELAX! Can't wait!

    Heather - enjoy your day - It sounds like it shouldn't be too bad. Also yay for finishing the stickers! Is there a pic in your bio??

    JL - Yay for getting done early and getting to enjoy some drinks~ your dinner last night sounds so good! Hope you have a good day!

  • edited December 2011
    Hi all.  I clearly stayed up way too late last night scanning in proofs :-D.  I went to the dr yesterday and got new allergy meds, so far I haven't sneezed yet today.  SO nice! 

    H - I did stickers on kisses too, but I bought them off etsy :-(.  I did make the stickers for my cookies to match myself though. You're so diy!  I bought my kisses at Costco.  I found that was the cheapest price.  We went through about 500 of them for 120 guests (but ours were placed in the entry way after dinner by the staff so people could grab them with the sparklers/matches)

    jl - mmmm beer outside sounds so good.  lol
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • edited December 2011
    Good Morning! Happy Administrative Professionals Day! I watched Biggest Loser last night, and that's about it- so emotional. Oh, and I finally got up the nerve to ask my coworker for the scrapbooking scissors back that I had let her borrow nearly a year ago. Not that I plan on using them soon, but I want them back- so sick of people screwing me over by not paying me back when I loan them $, and not returning borrowed items! Yell

    G- Yay for a little break from school! Your Bahamas trip sounds fun... DH and I were there for our HM (took a Carnival cruise to the Bahamas). We were at the beach by the Atlantis, but only for about 20 min. b/c it started to pour. The ship also stopped in Freeport, which looked very industrial and not that fun. I never saw it anyway, b/c I was sick with a stomach flu that day. We didn't have the best luck, weather-wise and health-wise on our HM, but we did enjoy some of the Bahamas!
  • edited December 2011
    So last night I attempted to sew together my luggage tags, well sewing through vinyl is TERRIBLE!  I'm going to have to find an alternative, or I'm throwing in the towel.  The one I finished looked like a 4 year old made it :(

    Hopefully today goes by more quickly than yesterday! 

    H-What a cute idea!
    G-What a wonderful trip!! JealousE!
    Bri-Any word on the house?! Are you waiting till this weekend to see it a second time?

    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

    Planning Bio

  • edited December 2011
    Good Morning Ladies.  We had a meeting with the florist last night.  I went just okay. His wife was in the hospital so he was a bit preoccupied- which I understand. But my Mom and I are so not on the same page as far as the centerpeices go. We're going back next week to see a mock up of what they are going to look like- fingers crossed that meeting will go better.

    Thanks for the email Kim!  Def a lot of help! question- the 'declaration of intentions', did you do that while your Dad was still up there with you? And then the 'presentation of the bride' is when they ask "who gives her away"?
  • edited December 2011
    Glad you got the email, S! Yes, the "declaration of intentions" was done right after my pastor greeted everyone, while my dad was still up there. And you are correct with the "presentation of the bride." My dad answered, then lifted my veil (I had a blusher to go over my face), we hugged, and he placed my hand in DH's hand before sitting down.

    Sorry to hear your florist meeting wasn't so great. I hope the next one goes better for you. What kind of centerpieces are you thinking of, and how's it different from your mom's idea?
  • edited December 2011
    G- yay for a school break.  I would love a girls trip at the end of July, aka after the bar.  Do your family and FILs all get along well?  Enjoy your school break, I know how it feels!

    Meg - boooo for vinyl sewing.  Did you try using a denim needle in your machine?  They are sharper (but thicker) and maybe that would do a better job.  DH is out of town as usual this week, so we are waiting til Sat afternoon for a second run through and offer.  If they get another offer before then, we'll offer without seeing a second time, but fingers crossed that doesn't happen! 

    Kim - did you get recognized as an admin this year?  Did the new girl?
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    Kim - that STINKS that you didn't have good weather or health on your HM :( At least you got to enjoy each other's company... I agree about people not returning borrowed things and $$ Yell- I'm glad you're going to get your scissors back!

    Meg - boo about the luggage tags! I don't know how to sew so no advice here - but hope it works out for you b/c it is such an adorable idea!

    Marbus - sorry your meeting didn't go as well as planned, but under the circumstances (his wife in the hospital) I'm sure you were able to understand. I hope your mock up turns out better!

    Bri - Yes - My family and FIL's get along wonderfully! FIL's are the best people ever :) And I'm SUPER close to my FMIL and FSIL - in fact, FSIL is my MOH! But our families and values are so similar and we just mesh so well. I couldn't have asked for better FIL's (and my own family for that matter).
    You should plan a girls trip after you are finished with the bar! They are SO much fun and you deserve to relax after all the hard work and anguish of law school!!!
  • edited December 2011
    G -I'm so jealous that your Ils mesh so well.  It's not that I don't get along with them, but I don't think my Mom would want to go on vacation with them!  I definitely do NOT get along with one of my BILs gfs.  She's the girl in the photos wearing JEANS at my wedding.  She changed after the ceremony.  Grrr....  That makes for a really happy holiday time and makes wedding planning/money issues a lot less stressful for you!  IDK on a girls trip - that would be so nice, but I'm the only one of my friends that has post bar exam employment and if we buy a house, that money needs to go towards our mortgage.  We'll see!!  A vegas weekend isn't out of the question.

    Sara - what's your inspiration for centerpieces? Hopefully when your Mom sees the mock up she'll think it's beautiful, and well, you are the bride :-D
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • edited December 2011
    Bri- Nope, no mention of Adm. Professionals Day yet. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. If no one gets recognized, fine, but it makes me mad when some do and others don't.

    Also, I hear you on someone wearing jeans to the wedding... my in-laws' really good friends were dressed up for the ceremony, but changed into jeans for the reception! I thought it would really irritate me, but I was so happy and having such a good time that I didn't even care. And at least I don't have a lot of photos of them at the reception!

    G- Yea, 2 things that we couldn't control. We really did have a good time, but the weather sucked- we were in a lot since it was so windy and the decks were closed a lot of the time. It also felt like we were drunk-walking since the ship was rocking so much. The last day was beautiful though! And thank goodness I was only sick for 1 day. Oh well, at least if we cruise again it's bound to be better weather-wise!
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Good morning ladies!  I'm working in NYC today and probably won't be around much.  Had Thai food and got to sit on the patio with one of my BMs here last night and went out in Brooklyn :)  I love being in this city!

    H, yay for an easier day today!
    JL, your night last night sounds absolutely perfect.
    G, extra free time and a vacation to look forward to?  Bliss :)
    Bri, going to look at all your pictures next!  I'm excited.
    Kim, I've been wondering too- did they do anything for you at work?
    Meg, sorry the project isn't going as planned :(  They looked so cute in the picture!
    S, my mom and I are the same way about a lot of wedding stuff, but she usually comes around after seeing like physical evidence of my vision- hope that happens for you too.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • gmc22gmc22 member
    edited December 2011
    LaFemme - I LOVE NYC!! It is one of my fav places! It's only an hour and 1/2 tain ride from me in Philly which is AMAZING! I know you're there for work but enjoy!! :)

    Bri - I was going to ask you about the girl in jeans! wtf?! That stinks that you don't get along with her - I wonder if that is why she changed... eww... that's so annoying!! Vegas sounds fabulous ;)

    Kim - at least you had one good day!! and way to look on the bright side about a future cruise!
  • edited December 2011
    jeans girl HATES me.  She had a baby and announced her pregnancy same weekend we got engaged.  Claims I stole her thunder by getting engaged.  Her thunder from allegedly accidentally getting preggo?  (later story emerged she stopped taking pill because of thyroid issue, but failed to tell BIL wtf....).  There is so much drama with this girl.  I can't believe she caught the bouquet.  I can't believe my BM let her!!!

    We photo shopped her out of bouquet toss photos for wedding album :-d  I also think she changed b/c she doesn't know any better.  It was really funny because the dj announced that it might be a little hard to get the garter under boot leg jeans.  She got really mad when the garter catcher asked for the garter back and even cried because she couldn't keep both.  I could go on and on all day. 
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • edited December 2011
    she cried because she couldn't keep the garter? wow- she sounds like a real winner.

    I'll take pics of the mock up centerpiece- its hard to explain really. but it'll be nice I'm sure.  I have faith in our florist- he seems to have a good creative eye. 
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Bri, holy cow.  Drama queen much?  Between the jeans and the "thunder stealing" and the crying over the garter... eee.  Do you have to see her much?  (And did she have the baby?)

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • edited December 2011
    She lives back home (500 miles) with BIL, is on welfare and doesn't even attempt to get a job.  I avoid seeing her when home because I just can't stand her. She did have the baby but has asked that I never interact with him because she wasn't invited to my bridal shower.  None of the BIL's gfs were since they were always off and and on (and all young/ unemployed so I didn't want to obligate them).  She did come down for two consecutive weekends last spring with BIL and they stayed with us and it was HELL. 
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • edited December 2011

    Geez, that girl is nuts, Bri! It reminds me of Jen's (new_to_pgh) MIL stories!

  • edited December 2011
    I honestly used to think they were both spawn from the same eveil person!  lol.  I never complained about her before on the board just because she is so nuts. 
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • edited December 2011

    JL- sounds like a fun night!
    G-Yay for Atlantis, that place is fantastic!
    Kim-we should be saying Happy Administrative Assisants day to you! 

    Sara-I hope you guys figure out the flowers!  Thats what I'm afraid of this weekend with the DJ!  Mom and I are going to have totally different opinion!

    Jen-Have fun in NYC!  I love Thai food-what did you have?

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  • edited December 2011
    Kim I think it's nuts you guys aren't recognized.  Everyone at our office that is an admin got flowers (the firm paid, but we wrote the cards individually for our admins), and like our team took our admin to lunch and got her a certificate for a pedicure.  FWIW I recognize your dedication!!
    August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.
  • edited December 2011

    Lol, thanks! It's not a major disappointment, but it'd just be nice to acknowledge it. I'm sure many people here think I do nothing, since I often surf the internet or read books/magazines. I need to do something to entertain me when the phone isn't ringing. But at other times I am pretty swamped with calls.

    Oh, and I just remembered, an Edible Arrangements gift came today for someone who is in an admin. position here. That's all I've seen to mark the day though.

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