Catholic Weddings

I don't get it/Unpopular opinions/etc


Re: I don't get it/Unpopular opinions/etc

  • I'm not sure I like "We're expecting." "Expecting" is a transitive verb! It requires an object! ("You're expecting... what?") Saying, "What are you having?" also annoys me for similar reasons. If I'm ever pregnant, I am ALWAYS going to say "a baby" or maybe sometihng ridiculous (like "a baby elephant,") if that's how I'm feelign that day, if someone asks "what are you having?"
  • edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: I don't get it/Unpopular opinions/etc:
    [QUOTE]I'm not sure I like "We're expecting." "Expecting" is a transitive verb! It requires an object! ("You're expecting... what?") Saying, "What are you having?" also annoys me for similar reasons. If I'm ever pregnant, I am ALWAYS going to say "a baby" or maybe sometihng ridiculous (like "a baby elephant,") if that's how I'm feelign that day, if someone asks "what are you having?"
    Posted by lalaith50[/QUOTE]

    This. Times, like, 1 million. I *HATE* the expression "We're expecting." Well, expecting WHAT? You're a human, your husband is a human, you are clearly having a baby human (or possibly more than one baby human, I suppose), but it's not like you're getting a giraffe or an elephant or a seal or something. You're having a BABY! 

    Also, I read on Miss Manners today someone was griping about a mother wanting a baby shower even though she is "only pregnant, and due in July." Excuse me, that is still a baby and she is still a mommy, so back off!!

    Wow...I'm seriously PMSing over here.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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