
Wedding Reception Metro Detroit

Hi! looking for a venue for up to 250 hoping to find a place with wood floors or at least not a typical venue hall with tacky carpet patterns. Any help even if its a little further away would be much apprecited! trying to keep it pretty cheap but all suggestions are very welcome!

Re: Wedding Reception Metro Detroit

  • Welcome to the Detroit board!

    Check out the post at the top of the board that says "Vendors". Brides have put their reception locations there for a while, with reviews afterward.

    Also it helps to know a few details:

    When are you looking to get married?
    What is your budget for the reception venue? Does that include the food & alcohol?
    Exactly how far from Detroit would you consider going? Are you interested in something primarily on the east side or west side? Which counties?

    "pretty cheap" can mean different things to different people. Also, with a guest list as high as 250 people, you may be limited in the types of places available. It might be a "typical" banquet venue, but with nicer accomodations.

    Good luck.
  • I agree with Sue.  Please share more information so we can help you.
  • im a medical student so a lot of the questions i don't have answers to...we won't know until october when my schedule is set when we can get married. We are hoping May-September time. My total budget is around 15,000 with food not alcohol. But thats just a range cheaper would obviously better but I know its limiting wiht 250; Also it will probably be more like 225 but i know its hard to find a venue for that much. My ideal venue would be hte gem theatre but that is quite expensive.
  • Look into St Andrew's Hall on the Wayne State campus (not the music hall, but the former chapel). My son graduated from Wayne State and his Phi Beta Kappa enrollment ceremony was there. It's a beautiful old building with a stage, stained glass windows, hardwood floors. You'd have to bring in everything (food, linens, etc), but it is different and probably large enough.
  • What kind of look are you going for?  What about the gem makes you really like it?
  • My wedding was at the Detroit Yacht Club on Belle Isle. Their ballroom should accommodate that many, and it has wood floors and terrace access overlooking the river. Price-wise it might be out of your range. I spent about that much or a couple thousand less for 160 people including food and alcohol. But I also had several upgrades, so it's possible you could make it work.
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