
What A Bargain!

For those of you who want to watch your money, I might suggest eBay.  Here's why:

This short dress with borelo jacket runs $399 at David's Bridal.  When I check about it a few days ago, it had been discontinued....Cry

Just for the heck of it, I decided to see if I could find it on eBay!  Low and behold I found it there for $59!!  I emailed the sell with some questions, then made a counter bid of $30.  She came back with $45 and I said yes to the dress!  It should be here today!

I can now do the happy dance as I saved about 88% off the retail price!  If I don't like it enough for a wedding dress then I might use it for a reception.  I could also have it professionally dyed, or if I don't like it at all then I can resell it!

Also, I found some white pumps at Payless Shoes for $18!  they are plain but have a bit thicker heel but that's what I wanted (I have a balance and cooridination problem so regular heels are out of the question).

Re: What A Bargain!

  • Congrats on the great deal!
  • Congrats!  I also bought my dress new on ebay for 1/3 of the price it was listed at on Nieman Marcus' website.  It was in perfect condition and I can't to wear it down the aisle!
  • UPDATE - It seems that it was for the dress only.  The description of the stock photo implied it was both the dress AND bolero.  UGH!

    The seller said it would need to be cleaned (which I would have done anyway) -and Lord was she right!  It smelled like it had been in a cigarette factory that had been set on fire!  I hope that the cigarette odor comes out.

    So will this be my wedding dress?  I don't know.  I just didn't get that feeling when I tried it on.  Perhaps it was the fact that there was no jacket and it smelled so bad...

  • I found my dress on eBay too! Regular $1900! I paid $425!!!! I look on eBay for everything now! Congrats!!
  • I love Ebay!

  • I found cute flower girl dresses, exactly the design and colors I want, for $25!! Just waiting until closer to the wedding to know if my niece will hit yet another growth spurt :]
  • I may see if I can find the jacket on eBay, otherwise I think it's about $50 at David's
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