I'm new on the boards and I just wanted to share with you my engagement
picture from Feb 14. (technically Feb.15). This man made me have the
worst Valentine's Day ever so I wouldn't suspect anything. (It's a long
story, he managed to get me to believe a lot of dirt and even get my
co-workers involved) And when I got home from work at 5am ready to put
up a huge fight and pack my bags because it was over between us...I
opened our apartment door and there he was, down on one knee with the
first song he dedicated to me playing in the background. I had to close
the door for 10 seconds and stand outside to switch my tears from
heartbreaking sad to happy lol :') Our picture has been around in quite a
lot of Facebook and Instagram pages with crazy 100K likes on some. I'm
making screenshots of all of them to print them and save them since it's
been so crazy! :')