Getting in Shape

Great at exercise, not so much with food

I just got engaged last week and am planning a wedding in April 2014. Luckily I started working out in January and have lost about 12 pounds and a size. I spin pretty hard 3 days a week, do boot camp 2-3 days a week, pushups about 2 or 3 times a week, and sometimes catch a 2 hour spin class on Saturdays if I'm not too busy. My diet has improved since January but I still struggle with bread, sweets, weekends, and wine. I want to get back to my "pre-Matt/pre grad school" weight which I was at 2 years ago (and had maintained for years). I have about 15 pounds to go - 2 more sizes.

Also I'm gaining muscle so the scale is making me want to punch it ;)

Any suggestions?


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Re: Great at exercise, not so much with food

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    Gaining muscle is a good thing.

    Start by tracking your calories. A lot of us use My Fitness Pal, but some here also use Spark. Totally up to you. There's no such thing as 'good' food or 'bad' food - moderation is the magic word.

    It sounds like you have a great approach to working out, and by establishing one routine at a time, you're ensuring success. Now you just need to get your food in check. That too, will take time, just like establishing a fitness routine.

    Hang out here - it's a wonderful and supportive community.

    Congratulations on your engagement!
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    Sweets are my downfall too...

    I try to have some better swaps around.  We keep dark chocolate bits around rather than M&M.  You can subtitute reciepes using things like greek yogurt, unsweetened applesauce, beans, etc. for bad things in recipes.  I just made some awesome red velevet cupcakes using greek yogurt and have had some great brownies made with black beans. 

    For breads I switched alot of my sandwhiches to wraps...

    It's not the best answer, but I can still have a muffin and be slightly healthier.

    Like a previous poster said moderation is key.  Have want you want, just be careful it's not too much.

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    I count calories (very strict) I don't have any cheat days .... Other than yestday after I tried my dress on. I lift weights 3-4 times a week and I get some form of cardio at least 6 days a week :) You can do it!! Try having 1 day a week where you can have whatever you want... Chocolate was the hardest thing for me to say no to!!!! :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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     My diet has improved since January but I still struggle with bread, sweets, weekends, and wine. 

    Also I'm gaining muscle so the scale is making me want to punch it ;)

    Any suggestions?'s always the wine!  I, too, love me some sweets and wine, which requires some serious finagling of other food consumption if I know either (or both) are in my future.

    I had a similar experience with my scale this morning.  I know when I look at myself that I'm "shrinking" but my measurements are unchanging and my weight (sigh) went up.

    I don't really have anything constructive to add, other than try tracking your food (myfitnesspal really is lovely) and keep doing what you're doing.

    Solidarity, sister!
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    The weight gain of muscle is so frustrating! But I will say that the muscle burns fat faster...a few weeks of what seemed to be a plateau for me led to a great weight loss week of 4lbs!

    The big thing is moderation like everyone else said. If you set yourself up with too many restrictions it will only be a temporary solution. South Beach Diet worked well for me to reprogram myself and cut my cravings and gets easier once you pass the first two weeks. But everyone has to find something that works for them. Some like to count calories, some like to avoid food groups or whatever works.

    It really depends on you and what works for your lifestyle and the time you have :)
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