Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Day of Beauty Treatments?

Hello fellow brides!  I'm planning on purchasing a spa package the day of my wedding that comes with 3 services. Options include massage, facial, mani/pedi,waxing and hair style. I'm wondering which treatments other brides are planning on having the day of their wedding.  I'm for sure planning on doing the hair style but having a hard time narrowing down the other 2 services.  Any advice here would be really helpful!!

Re: Day of Beauty Treatments?

  • I would probably go with the mani/pedi in addition to the hair. I definitely wouldn't get any waxing done the day of your wedding because it will leave your skin red. I'm not sure if the mani/pedi is one service or two. If it's only one I would get the massage as the third. Some facials can also leave your skin a little red depending how sensitive you are. I just wouldn't want to take any chances with my face on what would probably be the most photographed day of my life.
  • If I had those options i would go with massage and mani/pedi. The massage to relax you and you will need the mani/pedi anyway.
  • I would recommend the massage and mani/pedi.  Don't do facials or waxing on the day of.  I would even consider doing the spa day the day before.  I found myself busy enough on the wedding day  without all of the spa things.

    I was up at the hair salon at 8am, then drove to the hotel, BMs got makeup, lunch, my makeup, photographer came, first look, bridal party/immediate family photos and then the ceremony at 6pm.  I only had downtime for about an hour before the ceremony.  I went into the day thinking I'd have plenty of time to put my feet up and relax and was shocked how fast the time went.  I didn't have time to be doing massages and mani/pedis.

  • Definitely don't do the facial day-of - it's usually recommended, if you're doing a facial, to do it at least one week before a big event, since sometimes your skin reacts in a way that in the short-term looks a bit red or a blemish might pop up, though in the long-term the effects are great.
  • KatWAGKatWAG member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers

    I wouldnt recommend getting ANY treatments done the day of your wedding. I would get my hair and makeup done, that's it.

    With waxing and facials, you skin will must likely be red afterwards. And Mani/ pedis, I would do those a day or two before. If you get your toes done in the morning and then put on any shoes other than a flip flop you risk messing up your nails. Your nails can smudge hours after a mani/ pedi even with the quick dry sprays.

    I guess a massage would be fine but I would want to spend as much time as spossible with my friends and family who came to celebrate with me. And I dont think I would have been able to enjoy a massage on my wedding day, too much to think about.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Don't do facial less then a week prior to wedding. My hubby and I did couples spa day the day before our wedding. He got a facial and broke out that night and we had to try to cover it up last minute.

    I would actually consider doing the whole package the day before. Mani/Pedis can take some time to do plus you need additional time once their done for your nails to be completely dry. You don't want to be running around the day of your wedding worrying about your nails being wet. Also massages can make some people very relaxed to the point where they need a nap. Not good to be sleepy when you need to be perky for your wedding.

    We enjoyed getting our spa packages (yes hubby got manicure too, I figured for photos and people would want to look at his ring) but very glad we did it the day before.

  • I wouldn't do any of it.  My cousin went to the spa on the day of her wedding and it just stressed her out.  Maybe you can save it for afterward?  I know that you shouldn't have any waxing done for a week before a special event.  redness and bumps won't look pretty in pictures!!!!  Or facials.  You never know when a zit is just waiting to erupt!!!!!
  • Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! All of this advice is super helpful.  I think many of you are right - as nice and relaxing as all of this sounds, it might be a bit much to squeeze into the biggest day of my life!  Thanks again and good luck at your weddings!!
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