There are a lot of newbies on here lately (lots of Spring proposals?) and many have gotten VERY offended when someone doesn't like their idea. I think we should all share some etiquette faux pas we narrowly avoided because of this board.
I'll start - and this is mortifying.
Our two families and the wedding party will be staying at a B & B the night before and the night of the wedding. Because we are all so very close and they understand us so well and therefore the same rules don't apply (sarcasm), I put on my wedding website that rooms are $200/night and that we'll cover what anyone can't pay (I knew at least that it was very expensive). *They would have had to pay us directly because we already paid.* You can imagine all the problems with that but I didn't know!
After spending some time lurking on the etiquette board I jumped over to my wedding website and deleted it as fast as I could. I set it up like a year in advance so I really hope his family didn't see it before I changed it. If someone asks, we'll tell them how much it costs and if they shove money into our hands we will be gracious.
But oh lord, when I think about that I cringe. Seriously mortifying.