Wedding Etiquette Forum

NER- favors

This is in no way related to etiquette, but I've seen tons of good advice on this board.

My FI and I live in NC and are getting married in NC (the obx), and I from MD. We kind of want to tie MD into the wedding, and were thinking favors would be the best way to do that. My sister and MOH have given me two ideas, but I am open to any other ideas as well.

Idea 1 is mason jars filled with Old Bay and a cute little tag ("Here's some Old Bay, Maryland's favorite spice, a gift to you from the new husband and wife" or something to that extent). 

Idea 2 is individual bags of Crab Chips. With this, I don't know if there's any way to make it cute, and I'm worried people will think its lame to just give out bags of chips.

Any opinions are appreciated! 

Re: NER- favors

  • Old Bay is a great idea. Can't you just buy it already in small jars?
  • Old Bay is a great idea. Can't you just buy it already in small jars?
    You know, I'm really not sure. I've only ever bought it in tin type containers, and large ones at that. Definitely something I will look into. That could save a lot of time. Thanks!
  • I don't think either is lame. People like edibles and it's a MD thing so it makes sense to me. Are the chips really made out of crab?
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  • MuppetFan said:
    I don't think either is lame. People like edibles and it's a MD thing so it makes sense to me. Are the chips really made out of crab?
    No, they're just regular potato chips covered in Old Bay. They're delicious!
  • If you decide to go with the chips (which sound delicious), I would do a note saying that they're not actually made of crab. That way those guests who might be allergic to shellfish know the chips are ok to eat.
  • You could always use some sticky labels (i.e address labels) to put on the bag not covering critical information, saying something to the extent of what you put on the tag.  Personally, I like the chip idea more.  Random bag or jars of spices around my house tend to get thrown away, but I might be snacking on those chips on the way home.
  • @Teddy917 I wouldn't have thought of this. I've grown up eating them, so I wouldn't have thought to tell others they're not made of actual crabs. Thanks!

    @SomethingBeautiful08 Thanks for the sticky label idea! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to add something to the chips. This is great.

    My FI also likes the chips idea better, he thinks people will enjoy a late night snack, especially if they've been drinking.
  • I like the idea of the Old Bay. Or Berger cookies, omg, yum!
  • gaaH I'm in love with Crab Chips (Utz are the most local in my opinion), berger cookies, and saltwater taffy from Ocean City.  I love the idea of a little tin of old bay, crab chips, and berger cookies-that's like my heaven.
  • Thanks @misssunshine17 and @freebread03 !!

    I somehow didn't even think of saltwater taffy! That's a definite possibility too!
  • Ohh I love old bay but I dont like the crab chips. With that, I would say go with the old bay seasoning. That is such a clever idea. You could put them in cute little jars (recycle some baby food jars) & put labels on them.
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  • Saltwater taffy! I wouldn't use the Old Bay personally, and people like FI who don't like seafood would be totally weirded out by crab chips, even without them containing any actual crab... but I love me some saltwater taffy!
  • This thread makes me hungry. OP, would you consider having a MD food table where people can take treats as a favor? yummm. 
  • This thread makes me hungry. OP, would you consider having a MD food table where people can take treats as a favor? yummm. 
    What kind of treats are you talking?

    Thanks for all the opinions ladies! Super helpful. I love my FI but he's very go with the flow. "Whatever you think sounds great to me!" Which is not helpful at all lol.
  • Love this!  I may steal some of these ideas (I'm a Baltimore bride myself).  Love the idea of berger cookies 
  • Thanks everyone! @katye2489 be sure to share if you come up with any better ideas! I'm from Southern MD originally, Solomons-ish.
  • If you're planning to do welcome bags, you could always put the chips in those if they feel too informal to use as favors at the reception. If you're including notes with the bags, you could say something like, "Here's a little treat from the bride's hometown."
  • @SnowWhite334 That's a good idea too! I've been trying to figure out how to word a note on the chips and was stumped.. that's simple but definitely works! 
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