Moms and Maids

Unfortunate life circumstances are ruining my relationship with my Mom...and the wedding.

My parents have had a couple of tough years and some truly unfortunate things tossed in their laps. My Dad has parkinsons, and had cancer last year. After that my parents went thru bankruptcy and now due to all of those plus other additional events have to sell their house. I got engaged in the middle of this and close to use my resources and not ask for help from my parents. I had plans for the wedding to be outside at my aunts house but after constant calls from my Mom telling me how much of a burden we were placing on my aunt and telling me every "worse case scenario" I switched locations 3 months in advance. As where our previous venue made a larger wedding party no problem the new one could be tight. They are a easy go lucky group so they said "we like being close" (great people). However my I ran into a snag and called my Mom for advice...she went off saying she had no clue why we were even bothering with a wedding party because we were going to be smushed and she had no idea how I thought the venue would work. I told her I just needed a "everything will work out" moment and I didn't understand the reaction she gave me. The next day I continued with her plans and drove to her house to address envelopes. I tried to get a few thoughts out that I had been worried about related to the wedding and she became hysterical telling me she had no time for me. I don't know how to handle her anymore. I spend hours listening to her woes telling her everything will be okay and helping all I can but I can't talk to her about any aspect of my life, even my wedding. I am at a loss and I feel selfish...but for me my wedding day is also the day I get to pretend my dads not sick and my parents aren't loosing life as they've know it. What should Ido?

Re: Unfortunate life circumstances are ruining my relationship with my Mom...and the wedding.

  • I am sorry that your family is going through such a rough time. It seems like your mom has about all she can handle on her plate right now. I hear you on the whole "for one day I get to pretend everything's fine" because it would be great to have a break from all that serious stress, but the reality is that your parents can't pretend it isn't there. Maybe it would be best for you to find other family members/friends to discuss wedding-related issues with and stop asking your mom for advice/help/etc. Even if she offers, tell her you've got it under control, as she may be offering out of obligation. 
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • cbrown828 said:
    I am sorry that your family is going through such a rough time. It seems like your mom has about all she can handle on her plate right now. I hear you on the whole "for one day I get to pretend everything's fine" because it would be great to have a break from all that serious stress, but the reality is that your parents can't pretend it isn't there. Maybe it would be best for you to find other family members/friends to discuss wedding-related issues with and stop asking your mom for advice/help/etc. Even if she offers, tell her you've got it under control, as she may be offering out of obligation
    This - I know how hard it can be to witness your parents going through a tough time and be there to support them (did that for my mom when my parents got divorced suddenly), while also wanting some positive energy to be sent your way. Wanting that isn't selfish, it's human nature. Acting on it - by making your mother feel badly - would be selfish. Good for you to come here to vent rather than express your frustration to her and put yet another emotional burden on her shoulders - it's a very un-selfish way to handle it.

    As PP said (the part I bolded above), perhaps it would do you both good if you reached our more to members of your wedding party or other friends to see if they might be interested in sharing some of the experiences with you and/or helping you out. Not all of them may be interested or have the time, but I'm sure you can find a couple who would gladly assist you, talk about the wedding preparations, etc. That would give you the support and positivity you need and hopefully improve the relationship between you and your mom.
  • What a rough situation. Honestly, it sounds to me like your Mom just has a LOT on her plate right now and is really at a breaking point. I'm sorry that she is unable to be there for you (emotionally) and it certainly must be a disappointment.. But perhaps for the next while you can just avoid chatting about the wedding with her, and perhaps find someone else to bounce ideas/stress/etc off of?

    I am not excusing the snappy, mean comments from your Mom (even though my heart does go out to her! It sounds like she's been through A LOT)... but it's pretty obvious that both of you have a lot going on right now, and the combination just isn't the best. I am willing to bet that if you give your Mom some space, she'll come around. :)

  • mmm4763mmm4763 member
    Tenth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    What a rough situation. Honestly, it sounds to me like your Mom just has a LOT on her plate right now and is really at a breaking point. I'm sorry that she is unable to be there for you (emotionally) and it certainly must be a disappointment.. But perhaps for the next while you can just avoid chatting about the wedding with her, and perhaps find someone else to bounce ideas/stress/etc off of?

    I am not excusing the snappy, mean comments from your Mom (even though my heart does go out to her! It sounds like she's been through A LOT)... but it's pretty obvious that both of you have a lot going on right now, and the combination just isn't the best. I am willing to bet that if you give your Mom some space, she'll come around. :)

    Agreed. As one whose parents are also going through a myriad of difficulties (one of the MANY reasons why we are choosing to have a private affair), I have found it best to completely back off any wedding related conversation. Is it disappointing to not be able to share in the joy or experience with my mom? Absolutely. But the only expectations and emotions I can control are my own, and once I accepted that reality it's become a lot easier to reframe and readjust.
  • Has your mom always been like this or do you feel her feelings have compounded with your dad's health issues and now the financial ones?  You didn't mention how mobile your dad is or how much assistance he needs physically.  Perhaps she is getting a caretakers syndrome where she is feeling very overwhelmed with the world.  Maybe you can mentioned to her that you are concerned for her and maybe she should reach out to a group for therapy or to just talk about her issues.  She may be able to find a free caretakers support group online too.  (Maybe even offer her a list of free/low cost groups) Don't talk wedding with your mom, just send the invitation at the right time to her and your dad.  Also, if its possible on your end, offer to stay and take care of your dad while she goes out for a mani/pedi, run some errands, or just go for a walk in a park.
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