My fiancee' and I just bought a new house 3 months ago. We plan on getting married this September. We moved from a small apartment to a large 3 bedroom house. We are looking to buy new living room furniture as we have never owned any. We thought about asking for donations towards the furniture at a specific furniture store. How does one word that? Or can we? I am bothered by the idea of just saying "give us money"... I want to make sure they know it is going to something specific if they so choose to do so. We will be registering also at a Bed, Bath and Beyond if they want to buy a specific item instead. If the general consensus here is that it is tacky we will not list it on our website as a option. If there is enough feedback saying it is okay since we are listing specifically where it is going towards then I will list it. My question would be back to how does one word it. We have a backup place to list if we decide against it. I have gotten feedback from personal friends and family on this topic. It is a divided issue so that is why I am turning to this community for assistance. I appreciate any opinions from others in the knot community.