We are getting married in April of next year. We have found the perfect venue! It allows us to have both the ceremony and reception at the same place, the ceremony location is outdoors (our preference though I do have a backup planned for weather), they provide staff to set up/tear down, and they cater...all at an exceptional price. However...it's 2 hours away. I have family and friends who live there, but my fiance does not. I also have family and friends who live here where I do. Is it outrageous to ask that people drive 2 hours away for our wedding? I know that if we were to have it here, my family and friends over there would have to make the drive too. But if you combine his family and friends that are here with mine, more people would have to travel there than here. There just isn't a lot here to offer...I guess that's what you get for living in a small Iowa town. Anyway, I'm starting to wonder about that choice...anyone have any input?