Well my honey bunny and I have came to the conclusion that we are just way too deep into stuff to plan this wedding this is suppose to happen in 5 months. Recently, my department informed me that my scholarship is ending because they have no money. Which means I have to pay my tuition out of pocket for this summer and the next academic year and the income I got from being a TA has ended. We are currently in the process of building a house and my FI is currently always busy with his new business that he recently started a few months ago. With my dissertation, his business, building a house, a 14 month old, planning from across country and now the fact that I have to find some type of part time income to cover my living expenses a wedding in November isn't happening. Our bridal party and family were very supportive of our decision, but there were a few Negative Nancys who had the nerve to say your FI is ballin why are you worried about working or finances, well for one I am very independent. I like to do for myself and even though he has said he will pay my tuition and handle our expenses plus pay for our wedding I just can't. I like to pull my fair share, and I like having my own money!! I have never been the type to ask for anything. Then one of my what I thought was my friends said Well you better keep your eye on him before somebody else gets him, how bout I keep my eye on you heffa for saying something like that.. But I am fine with the decision, it actually works out for the best. Less stress on me. I can get this dissertation out the way and focus on being the best mom and future wife that I can be. Starting his own business has been stressful for him and has been a very trying time, but I thank God for the blessing that He has given him, being his own boss and doing what he loves. I'm still planning and all but now I don't have to go into overdrive and have a damn heart attack with everything else we have going on. The sweetest thing was this morning as he left for the airport he said to me "I love you no matter what, we have a bond that can't be broken. A wedding is just a ceremony. I know that if we can make it through all we've been through we can make it through anything." How I love that man of mine. Thanks ladies for letting it all out.