If you remember..
My cousin (the one with the 2 or 3 kids, whoknows!) called me today, I dont talk to her like that.. so it was weird, and she left a 1 min voicemail, so that was even more weird. So I finally check it, and its her calling for my grandma, she appearnly lost her rsvp card, but she mustve "forgot" she mailed it with my dads, it had her handwritting. Anyhow, she was proclaiming her attendance with "3 guests and that I should call her back to get her final headcount"
I was pretty floored to be honest. Livid. and Luckily at work so I could only text back. I responded to my cousin and told her we cant accommodate her "3" kids and that we cant accommodate my grandmas 3 guests. It then goes into this whole text thing, "oh my kids arent invited? theyre going to be hurt" I had to find calmness in me to explain that our budget and capacity cant accommodate. She says she isnt going to come if they cant go. Fine with me. She pauses, and calls my SISTER (who isnt paying for anything) to complain. and texts me back saying if anyone declines she wants to bring them. I said ill keep them in mind, but we only have 1 decline so far.
And later, I was talking to my sister about what she was saying to her.. Apparently she was complaining because "This is a black wedding I dont know why shes being like this." Im sorry, but my race (Fi is white) does not define anything about me and my fiances celebration.. Like does that mean our wedding is going to be like a family reunion where everyone anyone in my family has known is invited or can just bring anyone?? WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!
And now, my grandma is next to deal with.
and the clear things up, Fi and my parents are going half on EVERYTHING. my parents dont want to spend extra money. My parents arent telling me what to do "its your wedding, do what you want".