October 2013 Weddings

Hi i'm a October Bride!!

Screen Name: Sgreen19
Age:21 I will be turning 22 a week before our wedding
Significant Other's Age: 23
What You Do: Just graduated with a diploma in Accounting and Payroll Administration
What SO Does: Delivery truck Driver
State of Relationship: Engaged and Planning
How Long You've Been Together: 5 years in August
How You Met: Through a mutual friend, i was dating his friend at the time when we met he was wearing makeup and slicked back hair for a dress rehearsal for a play he was in. we started dating a few months later.
Wedding Date (if you're engaged/married): October 26, 2013
Real Babies: 0
Fur Babies: 1 a Jug (Jackrussel mixed with a pug) named Stewie from family guy
Loves: food, wedding shows, outdoors and family
Pet Peeves: Bullies
Hobbies/Activities: Making tutus, tutu dresses and headbands I am currently working on my flower girl tutu dress, Cooking, Camping, Games, and outdoor activites
Favorite Thing About Your SO: He can always make me laugh even when i'm mad
Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: we don't always like the same thing but i always try things for him and he doesn't want to do things when i ask him
Describe Your Personality: Friendly, Over caring(so i have been told) I always try to help others even if i can't afford it or can't do it, 
Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): not sure what this is
I've Been On TK Since: before we were engaged
How You Came to Be On TK: I was wedding fantasizing 
How I like my potatoes: Creamy mashed with sour cream or ranch, or doubled baked cheesy potatoes with bacon
Favorite book/author: Daddy by: Danielle Steel
Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I make lists lots of lists write out a bunch of lists then lose them and write out more not sure why.

We are having a old Broadway/Hollywood themes wedding our ceremony is at a theater(play type) and the the reception is at a local hall with chicken and cabbage rolls yum! Our wedding colours are Claret Red, Champagne and accents of Black & White. We are having a fake cake accept the top which will be real for cut and then a cheese cake bar which we will make ourselves, also we will have a hot beverage bar with different hot chocolate and coffee tea and hot apple cider. We are doing alot of the stuff ourselves and help from family and wedding party. Our invitations are Tickets that have a detachable RSVP, we are making our own wine which we are in the process of doing. Or centerpieces we have finally figured out what we are doing which has painted branches with some gems and roses hanging on it. My dress comes in sometime in June and i'm really nervous/ excited about it.   We have also finally picked a location and hotel we are wanting to go to for our honeymoon which is the Hilton Papagayo in Costa Rica :) we are both really excited for this as we have never been on a trip together and he hasn't left Ontario before accept when he was a kid.  I myself have been to italy and florida but cost rica has been one of my dreams I can't wait :). I posted a couple pictures of things we have done. Pic 1 is my dress accept i am switching the applique, Pic 2 is my bridesmaid dresses, pic 3 is the theater pic 4 is the card box we made together, pic 5 is what my FI wants for his boutineers, Pic 6 is how i want my hair, pic 7 is what we want for the guestbook, pic 8 is a idea we have for the hot beverage bar, pic 9/10 is our centerpieces!
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