A family member was very supportive and generous enough to give us some glasses as a wedding gift two weeks ago. They are nice glasses, purchased from Walmart, but were not on our registry. As grateful as we are, we just do not have room for any more glasses in our home. We live in a one bedroom apartment with little to no kitchen space. On top of that, we had about 3 other people give us glasses despite having not registered for them.
We've already thanked them in person and via card for the gift. However, we do not know what to do with them right now. We literally have no space for them in our small apartment and they didn't leave a receipt so it can't be exchanged. The only reason why we know it's from Walmart is because they gave it to us in a Walmart bag and it's from a brand only sold by Walmart. There is no family close to us of with the space to keep the glasses until we move, or need to upgrade etc. We thought about giving it to charity but we felt bad about just giving away a gift someone so kindly purchased for us. We also don't like the idea of re-gifting. Can anyone offer some suggestions on what we should do with these glasses? Is it really best to just donate them/give it to someone else or does that seem too cold and ungrateful?