Wedding Etiquette Forum

What to do with gift...

TerriHuggTerriHugg member
Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Love Its First Answer
edited June 2013 in Wedding Etiquette Forum
 A family member was very supportive and generous enough to give us some glasses as a wedding gift two weeks ago. They are nice glasses, purchased from Walmart, but were not on our registry.  As grateful as we are, we just do not have room for any more glasses in our home. We live in a one bedroom apartment with little to no kitchen space. On top of that, we had about 3 other people give us glasses despite having not registered for them. 

We've already thanked them in person and via card for the gift. However, we do not know what to do with them right now. We literally have no space for them in our small apartment and they didn't leave a receipt so it can't be exchanged. The only reason why we know it's from Walmart is because they gave it to us in a Walmart bag and it's from a brand only sold by Walmart. There is no family close to us of with the space to keep the glasses until we move, or need to upgrade etc. We thought about giving it to charity but we felt bad about just giving away a gift someone  so kindly purchased for us. We also don't like the idea of re-gifting. Can anyone offer some suggestions on what we should do with these glasses? Is it really best to just donate them/give it to someone else or does that seem too cold and ungrateful? 
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Re: What to do with gift...

  • You can return them to Walmart without a receipt, you just can't get cash for it. You can exchange them for something else.
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  • @bunni727

    Thanks. I didn't know that. I thought you needed a receipt to exchange at Walmart. I'll look into to exchanging it. 
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  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary

    Yep, return them to Walmart or donate them to Goodwill or another charity.

    You can't honestly tell me this is the first time you've received a gift that you don't have use for!

  • Nope. we returned all kinds of stuff.

    One weird thing is that if an item was purchased with a credit card, they have to do a direct exchange (no store credit it in the form of a gift card to use later that they usually give) or refund the money to the card. It'd be a good idea to already have what you want to switch them for picked out and ready when you go to customer service.

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  • At my WalMart they would give a store credit if I didn't have the receipt. Without having the receipt they don't know if the items were paid for in cash or credit.

    OP, you should have no problem returning them to WalMart for store credit.
  • At my WalMart they would give a store credit if I didn't have the receipt. Without having the receipt they don't know if the items were paid for in cash or credit.

    OP, you should have no problem returning them to WalMart for store credit.

    ditto this.


    But as a general rule of thumb I think re-gifting and giving to charity are both also okay.  (re-gifting only if it's something you truly believe the new recipient would like).  We've given several gifts directly to good will or the salvation army.  We sincerely did appreciate the thought/gesture, but I have no desire to have useless clutter.

  • You can literally return anything and everything to Walmart even without a receipt. The reason I know this is because my sister worked there at the customer service desk for 5 years.
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  • MsYeckMsYeck member
    100 Comments 25 Love Its
    At the walmarts in my area you can only do in-store credit without a receipt 5 times a year. So if you think more people might do this (or you have a Walmart registry) I would do it once you after a shower and once after the wedding.
  • I've had great experience with exchanges at Walmart. With no receipt, they will give you store credit for the current value of that item (hopefully it's not discontinued). Then you can use it for something else you need, even if it's just toliet paper.
  • One of my best friends worked at Wal-Mart for years. They will return anything, and I do mean ANYTHING. I was picking her up once and saw a guy return a pair of sneakers that looked like they had been worn for months as they were filthy and falling apart. These shoes should never have been returned, the store didn't even carry the item anymore, but they picked up a similar pair and did a return for store credit. Needless to say, you should be just fine :)
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