My wedding date is not 100% official but we're thinking January 16, 2016. I know I still have time left and I'm not trying to rush, but I'm starting to research online. I figure it's best to be as prepared as possible! We would prefer a location that includes everything already (obviously not EVERYTHING, but the majority of what we need). All of that kept leading me to banquet halls, which I'm trying to stay away from. I already did the typical Cuban Quinces(fifteen's party) and would like this to have more of an elegant feel. I did however, find the Killian Palms Country Club. I inquired prices aren't bad, and it's not bad. I do however wonder how much they will charge for all of the extras and upgrades. I'll definitely have to check it out soon. but I'm curious to know if any other brides have had or are having their reception there. feedback would be appreciated. Thanks