Thank you in advance for your advice. My fiance proposed to me a couple weeks ago, and yes, I accepted. I love him! He gave me the papers for the engagement ring to have the ring insured. On the papers, the price was printed. I am afraid he is spent way, way too much, and further, while it is a pretty ring, it is not "me" at all. As I said: I love him. However, I do not love the ring, and even with insurance, I am nervous to wear it out knowing how much it costs and not actually liking it. I know that may seem harsh, but we will be starting a life together - the money he spent on a ring could seriously be a nice nest egg for us. I would be happy with a ring actually tens of thousands (yes!) of dollars less. He is very proud of the ring. And, honestly, I do not know how he would react if I said I wanted a lesser ring and this one returned. He is very sweet and understanding, but I think it would be easy for him to be upset about it. What should I do? If I loved the ring, that would be one thing. If it was too small of a diamond, then I wouldn't dream of asking for something else. But seeing how I can't see myself wearing the ring every day because of the outrageous cost and the "not me" style, what should I do? Say nothing? Say something? I do think that because of the timing, the ring could be returned / refunded with the jeweler. Please be kind in your reply. I just want to do the right thing.