I was in my best friend's wedding last weekend, and it was a blast. I recorded the parent dances, and the father-daughter dance turned out great. I'm sure the mother-son dance would have been great too...except that it cut off after only 6 seconds of recording!! No reason for it. It recorded them walking to the dance floor, and as soon as the music started it just stopped.
The thing is, I had already told the groom that I filmed their dance and he was so excited about it. I feel just terrible (thank God I never told his mom. She's such a sweetheart and would have been crushed). This wouldn't have bothered me 5 months ago because I didn't like him all that much, but he's really grown on me (funny how that happens when you take the time to get to know a person...), and I really wanted to surprise him with the video as a gesture of goodwill. He was so bummed when I told him what happened and I feel awful. He took it in stride and said it was ok and that he really appreciated the thought and we hugged it out. But still, the look on his face...like a sad puppy.
I guess there isn't really a point to this post. I'm just hoping that if say it (type it?) out loud I won't feel as guilty.