I am a BM in a upcoming wedding for my BIL and his FI, which I am excited about and happy for them. However, the MOH and MOB planned the shower w/o consulting the rest of the BM's (including budget), and settled on a money tree shower. I rolled my eyes when I got the message on FB.
The bride decided not to do a registry, which I figured no big deal, she will get what she gets. I only find out that the bride and her mother booked the honeymoon, and it is a honeymoon the bride and groom cannot afford on their own. They expect everyone invited to the shower to give money towards the honeymoon.
Invitations went out earlier this week, and it mentions the money tree, and says "no boxed gifts". Am I the only one to find this tacky? Rude? I know people can decide what they give the bride, if they want to give cash they can, but should not be told what they can and cannot do with their money.
Not to mention, the MOH asked everyone to contribute to a "Spice Basket", and by that it is Spice for the Bedroom, not the Kitchen. To me, that type of stuff belongs for the bachlorette party, not a bridal shower, and only then if people want to contribute.
My husband finds it wrong as well, but told me to go with the flow. I only go to a certain extent. For the shower, I offered to get the cake, and will pay for my share of the hall rental (since it is in my budget, if it was not they would only get what I could afford to give). I got a nice gift for the bride, as I do not give cash at a shower, and will not contribute towards the Spice Basket.
What are people coming to?