Hello all,
Firstly, may I just say how much I'm enjoying reading and commenting on this forum? I'm an etiquette nut (goes with the whole military brat, prep school teacher, ex boarding school, trad family, Junior League thing I guess!) so it's lovely to meet so many other people who are keen on getting things 'just so'. It's also been grand when looking for back-up on certain things (like when FI and my mother suggested a honeymoon fund online. First firm no of the planning from me).
That being said, I've been doing my research (other websites and in/on Debrett's - the UK's equivalent of Emily Post, I'd say) and I have a couple of queries.
First of all is RSVP dates. Debrett's suggests your RSVP date being two months before the date (as does Fortnum's, with John Lewis and Harrods preferring 6 weeks out). Many of the threads here suggest sending your invites out at eight weeks, so I'm curious - what's the done thing where you all come from? As we're in a wedding pile up next year (eight weddings of close friends in one year, ha!), I'm thinking knowledge will be power on this.
Secondly, registries and communicating the details of these to guests. We really aren't that fussed about gifts but as longtime wedding attendees know that many of our guests will wish to buy us something. Cool, I'm always up for a visit to the shops. Here in the UK we do not have showers (I may have a small one hosted by my Junior League sisters as thats a small tradition we have - they are American and they rock that out!), so any giftiness focuses on the wedding day. I know here on TK sending info out on/in invitations is seen as bad form, but here in the UK, that seems to be the fashion. I loathe too much information, but as a guest am always grateful for a quick line on the 'extra information' sheet enclosed with the invitation (with hotels, timings, directions, etc.) telling me where the couple are registered. What are your thoughts? Even
Debrett's gives it a pass, but I'm curious to hear your advice.