Knottie Tech Help

Wedding website security

Anyone have insight on how to make our The Knot wedding website private?  We have invited some people to the reception only, and they've managed to RSVP to our ceremony via the website.

Re: Wedding website security

  • I don't want to release the website until we have finished editing. I have noticed many people have one that is complete and an empty one. How to delete the empty one or hide until we are ready to unveil the polished version?
  • I'm pretty sure that The Knot's hosting site doesn't give you this luxury, you just have to hope that people won't start searching for you until you're ready to go live.  If it does, there should be an option to keep it private until it's finished, like a box you check/uncheck... other sites have it, but I can't remember if TK does.



  • JTTT09JTTT09 member
    First Comment
    Um - I haven't made a website yet but there apparently is a wedding website for my fiance and I created already and it pops up when you google us. Has anyone else had this happen? It's very strange - I've looked through the websites but I haven't done anything to actually create one yet and I don't want that one out there! Whenever I click on "My Website" it is still just prompting me to choose a background and create one. What is going on?? How do I get rid of that rogue website?
  • I am having the same issue.  Someone please help
  • @cherub976 Please contact Customer Service at or call Mon-Thurs 6am-7pm PST and Fri 6am - 6pm PST at 877-335-5252.
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