Hi Ladies,
This is kind of an awkward situation I just found myself in. My fiance's mother recently broke up with a man she dated for several years. It was kind of an unpleasant situation at the end and my fiance is angry with the ex. He has two grown, married children who were on the guest list simply because his FMIL asked us to include them. They received save the dates, but my fiance does not want to send invitations to his kids. FMIL thinks it's rude not to send the invites, but I am torn. I'm sure they'll understand why we didn't invite them, but I also understand where she is coming from. Fiance does not want them to come, but FMIL thinks we should send the invites and just hope they don't come. I also don't want to seem like we're soliciting extra gifts or opening up healing wounds. Help, please?