I have recently found out I'm preggo, yay! So I have now split my time between the bump and the knot. I saw this today, and just had to repost! I have politely told her about the knot, so she very well could come and post a question, I hope! The below poster just didn't know any better, I guess, but it is just amazing how many people told her to just go for it!.....
SO and I are very happy together and we have talked about marriage. When we found out we were pregnant, the marriage discussion became more serious. Lately, we have discussed doing a Justice of the Peace and being officially married for many reasons.
My family is super Catholic...like church as often as humanly possible. SO and I go to church, but not regularly (like once or twice a month because he works so often and its hard to find a time we can go).
I announced to my family last night about being pregnant and how excited SO and I are. The first thing my grandmother said was well you aren't married (then later congratulations). Today, we were talking about marriage and I said that we wanted to do something simple, like a Justice of the Peace. My grandmother went as far to offer to pay the cost of getting married in the church. We wanted to have a large wedding down the road (in the Catholic Church) after our Justice of the Peace.
Overall, I would like your opinion on whether having a small personal wedding in our Catholic Church with just family and maybe a few friends would take away from the fact that later down the road we want to have the big wedding (where we would actually have the bridal shower and the reception and everything that goes along with a big to-do wedding).