One of our close friends decided to throw a surprise bday party for her fiancé. We got a formal invitation in the mail - the whole 9 yards. She picked a pretty expensive restaurant ($20 for mac and cheese?!) and blocked off a room. They told everyone to be there at 6:45 and they'd be showing up at 7:00.
So we arrived and ordered a drink while we waited. The bartender asked us to open a tab - weird, but whatever. Anyway, her friends had set out chex mix so we hung of and waited....and waited....and waited. At 7:45 we get the 5 minute warning - apparently her straightener wasnt working (wtf?). People were starving, all the chex mix was gone. Dinner was good. Then the server started asking who was on a tab together and who needed their own bill. What. The. Hell.
FI did not think this was a big deal. I tried explaining that you don't send out invitations to a party at a fancy restaurant, show up almost an hour late, and only offer chex mix. This couple recently got engaged and she is in the midst of planning the wedding. I'm all kinds of curious how its going to turn out...