Today, a co-worker of mine asked how close we were to the wedding. Most people in my office know I'm getting married but it's never really discussed, which makes me happy. Anyway, this guy has been divorced twice. He's the one who brought up the wedding, and then said "You know you only have a 50% chance of making it, right?". REALLY?
I just let it go in one ear and out the other, because getting married to FI is probably the only thing in my life that I've ever been 100% sure of. But I'm kind of annoyed. Seriously, who says to somebody who's 3 weeks away from their wedding? He just kept going on and on about it. Luckily my brother was there and was able to diffuse it a bit. I'm sorry that his marriages didn't work out, but I feel like he was just telling me not to bother because I'll just get divorced anyway. He's made a few comments like this all year ("Are you sure you want to get married?"), but today just got to me a little bit.
I don't know. This is more vent-y than anything. I'm just annoyed. Why do people think that it's appropriate to say that? For the sake of this turning into an actual discussion, have you ever gotten any comments like this? How did you respond?