My parents are still married and were very active in my life. My fiance's father cheated on his mother, divorced her and left the family when he was very young. His father has been remarried 3 times since, starting new families with each one. He was not an active father even when his parents were married. Now that his dad is older and has a new wife- they are trying to be in our lives more. The problem is that his dad's wife does not understand that my fiance and her husband haven't been close for over 20 years and things don't always magically work out on their own. She has a skewed view of what happened in the past. My FMIL raised my FI and his brother on her own- working 2 jobs to make ends meet. At our rehersal dinner we want to honor my parents and his mother, but it is really difficult for him to entertain the idea of putting his father in the same category given the circumstances. What should we do for gifts? I feel like we need to present them with something, but I am not sure what is appropriate. Any ideas would be welcome!