So, I think I know the answer but I wanted to get some outside opinions on what you all would do in this case.
My FI and I decided that we would invite a few co-workers each to our wedding. While my co-workers are great and all, my FI is dealing with one that is not the nicest person in the world and likes to think she runs the place and feels she has the right to yell at him and degrade him on a daily basis in person and through email. He is currently on a vacation weekend with the guys (which he requested off months in advance and was approved by the owner of the company) and is getting emails from her and others saying he should not have taken vacation and that it is rude for him to be gone and are genuinely upset at him. Mind you, others have taken vacation including the woman who is yelling at him. None of the ride emails are coming from the owner or his boss, just other sales co-workers. To make this story short, she was one of the 3 people from his office invited to the wedding. STDs have gone out already. Would you not send an invitation now since she is being so rude and degrading or how would you handle the situation? I know this is my FI's co-worker and not mine, but he is asking me for advice on this one. I am pretty sure I know the answer to tell him (the STD has gone out so the invite has to as well), but I wanted an outside opinion since I do not do well with people degrading my FI.