So I'm having a bit of an awkward situation here: My moms side of the family all lives in different states, and as a result I only get to see them at most once a year, however, they all have graciously offered to fly in for my wedding (there's about 12 of them). Yesterday I was talking to the in laws about the rehearsal dinner, which they are paying for, and when i brought up my out of town family my fiancés dad said that only immediate family and the bridal party will be invited. Now my mom is upset bc her fam will only be in town for about 3 days and she wants them to be at the dinner, and i feel kind of bad not inviting them also bc they are flying in from across the country. I def don't want to argue with the one who is paying but I'm wondering would it w atrociously rude to offer to pay for those guests that I want to include but the host has said no? Or are there any other options here? Yikes.