Outdoor Weddings

Help!! Don't want him to see me!!

Ok so my wedding ceremony is being held outside.  Everyone has to walk down a little bit of a hill in order to get to the ceremony site.  I am not sure how to do all of these.??  Like does the bridal party wait outside and when do you start their music???  Then the hard part is making sure that my fiance doesn't see me until I walk to where the aisle starts... How do I get that wow factor like those that are in a church and open the doors?

Any previous experience or what are some of you girls doing?  


Here is a picture of our ceremony site!!

Re: Help!! Don't want him to see me!!

  • My brother's venue had a similar layout - it was out on the lawn and you had to walk up (or golf cart) a hill to get there. They found some old doors and built a beautiful doorway with hay and mums (totally fit their decor) to go around it. We (the bridal party) rode up on this huge wagon thing behind a tractor and then kind of "hid" behind the doors before we walked down the aisle. Then the bride walked in from a different corner of the field...you could see her in the golf cart pretty far away being brought out to the corner of the field. Then she walked alone through the field to her father at the doors who walked her down the aisle. It was absolutely beautiful. Even though you could see them taking her to the corner of the field, she was far enough away that you couldn't see her hair or makeup or details of her dress or anything and it kind of added to the "suspense". If some sort of doorway or arch fits your decor, I think that would work beautifully.
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • I have a similar dilemma. This is what I'm planning to do.

  • Those doors are really pretty!

    That wasn't in the budget for us, so I hid in a tent until it was time to come out.

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  • We walked to a park for our first look photos and ended up being there at the same time. We got a purple (our wedding color) eye mask for DH to wear and his groomsmen walked him where he needed to be. In this case he could be up to the front put the mask on or something.
  • doeydodoeydo member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    As bunni727 did, you could set up a tent of some kind to stay in and perhaps have that as your room to get ready in as well.
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