I poked around and couldn't find another topic like this, so sorry if it's a repeat.
My dad is a pastor and will be performing FI and I's ceremony. It was important to my dad to be able to do this - I wasn't really sure about it. To me, it feels odd that my dad will be "at work" on my wedding day - he's been a pastor my whole life, I kind of want him to just be my dad on this day. But anyway, it was important to him and I'm already not getting married where my parents want so I really wanted to make him happy on this.
We are currently throwing around ideas of how to handle the giving away. Obviously someone else (we have no idea who at this point) will be doing the "Who gives this woman to this man ..." etc., but we weren't sure what should happen at that point. Would the other person just vacate the platform? Should there be an explanation to the guests?