Wedding Etiquette Forum

Who to toast first?

Rehearsal Dinner.... toast parents or bridal party members first. We have gifts for both.


Re: Who to toast first?

  • I think you can just toast them all as a group. I wouldn't worry too much. We thanks everyone and then handed out gifts..


    note...if you are handing out gift by gift, give FLOWER GIRL/RING BEARER first....LOL. I only say that because my little flower girls came up to me and said "everyone has a gift but me..." and they worried I forgot them..poor things. I just hadn't handed it to them yet as I grabbed them randomly! LOL

  • What ever works. There's no particular rule.

  • It doesn't necessarily matter, but if it were me I'd toast my bridal party first and end with toasting my parents. I can imagine that I'd get a little bit more choked up talking about my parents and their support and wouldn't want to have to follow that with any other toast.
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