Wedding Etiquette Forum

Is this wording weird on the registry info?

this is the registry info on my friend's wedding website.  is it just me, or is it kind of weird?

EDIT: trying to make the image bigger.

Re: Is this wording weird on the registry info?

  • Yeah, it's not weird, it's just plain rude. It comes across as assuming guests will give them gifts, and then proceeds to give instructions as to how to give those gifts.
  • "Please buy us this stuff. We think you are too stupid to figure out how to send it so I will tell you how again. Also if these FOUR amazing choices including the throw-part-of-your-money-away-on-a-honyefund-scam aren't enough for you then you're crazy but because I think you're too stupid to figure out my address I'll tell you again. Also, we we don't want to haul the crap you bring home ourselves so ship it even if it costs you extra."

    It reads perfectly clear to me. Problem?
  • I thought so.  Thanks!
  •  Well, it's info on the website under the registry info, so I don't how that can be perceived as rude...

     Maddie, did you think the reminder to mail the gift to them was weird? I thought that was okay too. Perhaps a bit condescending of Macys. to assume people don't know how the US mail works- but I think most websites over advise on everything.

     The honeyfund thing- ugh, no one here likes those.

  • I found the coupon/sale comment off-putting... Like "Gimme gifts!! But no worries, you can get stuff on sale or use coupons."

    And like aurianna said, I read the comment about shipping the same way, ie "we're not trying to haul all the stuff you give us back home on a plane.  that would be really inconvenient for us.. so how about you just ship it straight to our house."

    She's been grating on my nerves all around lately, so I thought it could be me being extra harsh and judgey.

    I know ppl here hate honey funds, bc of all the extra fees, etc, but they don't really bug me.  If i was gonna go that way gift-wise, I'd give cash tho, thanks to all the info i found out here (about fees).
  •  Oh, I thought the coupon info was fabulous- I love coupons!

     You do understand that your friend didn't write that message, Macys did, right?

     I think deciding not to register with Macys because they mention coupons and shipping to guests would be a bit much.


  • daisey18 said:

     Oh, I thought the coupon info was fabulous- I love coupons!

     You do understand that your friend didn't write that message, Macys did, right?

     I think deciding not to register with Macys because they mention coupons and shipping to guests would be a bit much.


    Errr... no, I don't think so. Pretty sure her friend wrote all of that.
  • Yeah, I don't think Macy's wrote that. All the other registries are listed
  •  Just put my glasses on and looked again- it seems that you are right, friend did write that. [I thought the blurred out border at the top was the store's page]


     yeah, she didn't need to mention the coupons- it sounds like she's saying, "OOh, you can buy me even more stuff if you use a coupon!"

     The mailing info, from a bride instead of a store sight- rude as hell.

  • I will never understand why couples think that they deserve for other people to pay for their honeymoon! If you can't afford it, you wait. You can go on a weekend trip somewhere in your state, you can save up and go to Spain the following year. Why do they think that it's ok? 
  • I'd buy a ceramic rooster, and bring it to the wedding to give them.
    HAAAAAA!!!!!  Hilarious!!!!  Depending how I'm feeling when the wedding comes around, maybe I WILL give them something AT the out of town ceremony.  Of course, I'll have to buy it when I'm THERE... not trying to waste space in MY checked bags.
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