Sorta long (sorry!)
I'm getting married in LESS than TWO WEEKS! EEEEP!
My FMIL is causing me so much anxiety that I am not looking forward to the wedding.
My FMIL came to KY to visit/meet my parents/ find a RD venue a few months ago. She really insulted my family. She complained about everything, had nothing positive to say, and made snarky comments like "they roll the streets up early here" and said she didn't know what the guests would do besides attend the wedding. Rude. Now my parents and sister don't even want to go to the RD either.
Anyways, our wedding is at a historic property, so we scheduled the rehearsal at 5pm, since we have to be out of the building by 6pm. We asked her months ago to plan the RD at 6 since we only have 2 attendants each and the rehearsal won't take long. She scheduled it at 8pm. When my fiance told her we didn't want it that late because we had other plans after, she told him "If you all aren't going to listen to my opinion about anything, I don't even know why your father and I should even come"
He has since forgiven the comment. (I haven't) He got her to move the time up to 7. She wouldn't move it up any earlier because she has family flying in and she insisted on having her out of town family invited to the RD. I turned down the offer to have some of my out town guests invited as well, because (1) I have anxiety and don't handle big crowds. (the wedding will be bad enough) and (2) if we invite my out of town guests as well, the only people not invited to the RD will be my aunts and uncle who actually live in KY.
I'm so frustrated. FMIL has said repeatedly that we should do what we want, but everything we say, she turns down. We wanted just bridal party, she invited guests. We wanted it casual, she is having a steak dinner (we're not even having a dinner at the wedding) We wanted it early, she is having it later. SIGH.
My major dilemma aside from having to deal with her for the rest of my life is that some of my college and high school friends that i haven't seen in 3 years are coming in the night before and we have plans to have a small get together around 8pm, so that I can welcome them and see them before the wedding and still get to bed at a decent hour. now that the RD isn't starting until 7, I'm almost guaranteed to have to leave early or miss seeing my friends. What do I do?