I saw this on FB today and it made me think of all of you lovely ladies.
"As the wedding draws near i need to kno who still needs an invitation , to remind u guys to bring a dish , if you plan on drinking bring a tent thats right i said tent also if u do not drink anything in a can put it in a jug and label it please No glass thank u and we hope to see u all there "
Note: I can spell, I copied the post as written
Even before I started attending weddings myself and learning wedding ettiquete while being a bridesmaid and now a bride-to-be this would have made me look twice. How do you know you need to ask for an invite. What is she going to do if people she doesn't like "reminds her they still need and invitation". A tent? All kinds of crazziness going on here. She is someone who will post status updates about how much she loves her life/FI and then the next post angst filled rants about weddings/her FI. Just thought I'd share.