Hey ladies!
So, minor dilemma. I have this "friend" who I went to college with. We used to be close but about 3 years ago she moved to LA (I live in NYC) and since then things haven't been great. I reach out to her but the communication is never mutual. She either doesn't return my phone calls, doesn't prompt a call, or always says "I really want to talk to you but I've been suuuuuper busy!" The spark in our friendship isn't there. So, I know this question practically answers itself but, should I invite her to my upcoming wedding? I sent the Save-the-dates a few months back and she didn't even text, facebook, email, call, or anything to even acknowledge it. But I feel like me not inviting her would be an outright snub, whereas the things she's done has been in the essence of "Oh, I really wanted to do that but I just couldn't get around to it." Should I go ahead the with the big N-O and scratch her off my guest list or just send out the invite and see if she shows? What would you guys do?
Thanks in advance!
These Darn "Friends"