Wedding Invitations & Paper

Should I Invite this "friend"?

Hey ladies!

So, minor dilemma. I have this "friend" who I went to college with. We used to be close but about 3 years ago she moved to LA (I live in NYC) and since then things haven't been great. I reach out to her but the communication is never mutual. She either doesn't return my phone calls, doesn't prompt a call, or always says "I really want to talk to you but I've been suuuuuper busy!" The spark in our friendship isn't there. So, I know this question practically answers itself but, should I invite her to my upcoming wedding? I sent the Save-the-dates a few months back and she didn't even text, facebook, email, call, or anything to even acknowledge it. But I feel like me not inviting her would be an outright snub, whereas the things she's done has been in the essence of "Oh, I really wanted to do that but I just couldn't get around to it." Should I go ahead the with the big N-O and scratch her off my guest list or just send out the invite and see if she shows? What would you guys do?

Thanks in advance!

These Darn "Friends"

Re: Should I Invite this "friend"?

  • Proper etiquette dictates that you need to invite anyone who you sent a save-the-date to.  Not inviting someone after asking them to save the date is unforgivably rude and would certainly end the friendship.

    Maybe the wedding will be the time where you two reconnect.  Or she won't attend and you can let the friendship fade away.
    Don't worry guys, I have the Wedding Police AND the Whambulance on speed dial!
  • You already invited her when you sent the Save The Date. You can't disinvite her now.

    Honestly, I am TERRIBLE at keeping up with some of my friends when my life gets hectic. It doesn't mean I don't care about them, they just unfortunately get left on the back burner. Think how nice it would be to reconnect with her at the wedding.

    If she is really trying to pull away, she'll probably decline anyeay.

  • Thanks guys! That's what I was figuring but I needed to hear it from other I suppose.

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