My Dad has offered to and is paying for my wedding. He has an old acquaintance from High School that he has kept in contact with over the years. I will call her C. My parents went to her oldest child's wedding about 8 years ago. Dad badgered my brother into inviting C and her husband to his wedding earlier this year. (C is big bro's landlord). C and husband showed up. Husband is nice, but quiet, very passive, wears a suit to the formal wedding. C wears a ratty old dress, boating shoes, and a weird looking floppy straw hat. To be honest, she looked like a bag lady (and she does have very nice, formal attire available at her home, as seen in photos two weeks earlier at her anniversary dinner). I "sacrificed" myself for an hour talking to C at brother's wedding so Dad, Mom, friends, and brother would not have to. Dad is now sick of dealing with her and her insanity (yes, she is in fact insane, but refuses treatment).
At Brother's wedding, C and husband started talking about how nice it will be to visit FL next March for my wedding. Issues here: 1) We're keeping it to family and a few personal friends of FI and me. 2) I DON'T WANT C NEAR MY WEDDING WITH A 10 FT POLE. I smiled and said we were still just starting to plan, and changed the subject, gushing about how beautiful Big Bro's wedding was. C later approached my Mom about my wedding. Mom took the blunt, direct approach of "You are NOT on the Invite List!"
Two months later, C seems to have forgotten this. I got my dress this weekend with my mom in my town at a charity event. Called and told Dad. Dad later is talking to C on the phone as one of their other high school classmates has just died, and Dad mentioned I had bought my dress. Call did not end on happy note due to her trying to get information out of Dad that is none of her business. So what did C do? Why she called up my mom, and apologized for upsetting Dad (mind you, Mom is 150 miles from Dad, visiting me).
C then begins AGAIN talking about being invited to my wedding. I'm inviting a few of my Dad's friends due to his paying and courtesy, and also because I have met and like these people- several live in the same area as FI's extended family, should help with inter family convos. SHE IS NOT AMONGST THEM! Mom gritted her teeth and politely told her we were keeping it small, had just been convinced to have more than 20, and with FI's huge extended family (8 uncles, 1 aunt, and all the cousins for both sides), it would likely just be a family wedding, no friends or acquaintances. Meanwhile, FI and I realize who she is talking to, and our eyes get huge and our heads start shaking back and forth so fast, you'd think we were auditioning for The Exorcism.
I think if Dad brings her continued requests up, (he doesn't want her at my wedding either), I will simply say that the easiest way to get her to not talk about it is to not mention anything about it on the phone with her, ie, don't remind her. None of Dad's friends that are on the list speak to C, and she will not be getting any photos. Perhaps when she realizes it's past the time frame of my wedding (we told her early march), she'll stop bugging us about it!