Hello Ladies!
So, my wedding is 9 months away, and I'm worried I won't get my face cleared up in time. Let me share my sob story;
I've had acne since I was about 15. I'm very pale and my skin is extra oily, hence anything that happens on my face sticks out. (i.e. I scar easily and they remain for a long time) Due to some terrible breakouts from when I was 19, I have some scarring on my cheeks and neck along with the normal acne. I've seen several dermatologist and natural-paths with little result. I've even had an expensive laser treatment to reduce the redness which helped a little. Recently I decided to go dairy free, since many studies link adult acne to dairy products. I've seen some improvement but not much.
So that's that! I've tried almost everything (or so I think) in the realms of natural remedies and over the counter products. I'd be interested in hearing what's worked for you or for friends.
Thanks so much!