@ LyannaStark quoted the following in another post and it brought to mind another etiquette question I have:
bride was about 3-4 months pregnant at the time of her shower. We all
knew this, we knew it's why the engagement was so short....However,
the Best Man's girlfriend did not get the memo. Wedding gifts were
opened, spatulas and blenders and everything, nobody had said the word
"baby" or anything similar all afternoon, but the gift from BM's GF was a
cute little set of crochet booties. After a few seconds of awkward
crickets, the bride thanked her, hurriedly shoved them back in the box,
told her grandma they were potholders and just kept right on going."
My question: In this instance do you have a baby shower AND a bridal shower...or as most people you invite to one would go to the other (assuming only a few months apart) do you choose one over the other?
My feeling...you get one or the other when they are essentially within months of each other (4-5 months). I understand that both are special, separate occasions, but to have two of them would look gift-gabby to me, especially with how much people would spend on both, and around a wedding too.