I should probably be posting this on the nest, but I don't really like that site...
So DH and I have a roommate, a very good friends of ours. We moved in together in February, as we all wanted to relocate to the same area and found a great house with a great landlord. Yeah, it's a bit weird to be married and have a roommate, but we honestly have a great arrangement and we all co-habitate very well together. Except for one thing.
Our friend/roommate, who I'll call A, is very... flirty. She's NEVER hit on DH, before or after we were married, but she's one of those people who calls everyone "sweetie" or "hunny", and she's always very flirtatious around pretty much any single guy she meets. Honestly I don't have a problem when A calls me these pet names, I do the same for her, we're really close. But the other night when we were having a BBQ, she asked my DH "Hunny can you get me a drink from inside". I immediately said (very calmly even though I was quite shocked and a little pissed) "Umm... no... you don't call him that". I have NEVER heard her calling him a name like that before but she said she calls him that all the time. He does not reciprocate. (It took him forever to even start calling me babe or hun; he's not really a pet name kind of person). I was like I don't care, please don't pet name my husband, it's not appropriate. Everyone who was over at our place (BIL, BIL's girlfriend/my BFF, our landlord/friend, and another friend of ours) all agreed. BIL actually looked pissed at her, and straight up told her that was not ok and don't do it again. She didn't see what the big deal was and blew it off. I thought that was the end of it.
I talked to DH about it, and he said if she's used her pet names when referring to him in the past, he hasn't noticed it, because he just doesn't pick up on stuff like that, but he agrees now that he's noticed it that it really bothers him and he told her as much. I asked him if it bothers him if she calls me pet names he said no, you're both girls it's different, which I get, I feel the same way... strangely enough.
She confronted me this morning before work saying that I was blowing it out of proportion and it wasn't that big of a deal. Well, sorry, yes it is. It's in appropriate, and I told her if I had overheard her calling him that before the BBQ I would have reacted the same way, because it's just not ok. She says I'm deliberately trying to make things awkward. What in the What?! Why the hell would I want to do that? She feels like I'm using this as an excuse to push her out of the house, and I have no idea how she jumped to that conclusion, and told her has much. I told her bottom line, I'm just not comfortable with her calling my husband pet names, and he's in agreement. That is for us as a husband and wife to do, and it would have been the same situation if we were only dating or engaged. She still doesn't understand the problem. Honestly, how do I get it into her head that it isn't ok?
(As I'm writing this she did it AGAIN! And he straight up said "My name is [DH], stop with the hunny, you know I don't like it". )